Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Reflection on Week 9 Reading: Practical Considerations For Multimedia Courseware Development: An EFL IVD Experience

I think the project mentioned in the article is very meaningful and useful and the IVD system could help students learn their language better. Without internalizing the linguistic forms of a language, learners of it could hardly master it well. Like what is mentioned in the article, Hong Kong language teachers face a lot of problems in schools. It gives rise to the need of the CALL programme.

I am in favour of CALL, especially when learners are learning in their leisure time. With IVD, learners can learn through an authentic environment since video is recorded and incorporated into the programme. When learners learn a language from this kind of programme, they can acquire it by imitating speech acts, pronunciation, stress and intonation in a life-like scenario. As a result, the language is internalized and learners know how to use it in authentic situations.

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